Applied Complexity Science Course

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: Self-paced
  • Duration: Self-managed (12 months maximum)
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

This unique year-long course is offered on a self-managed learning platform, a new model in which students ‘learn-as-they-go’ whenever it suits them, with their results automatically monitored, whilst receiving immediate feedback.

The course offers a curated and comprehensive set of readings, case studies, discussions, and insights covering the broad area of complexity science and systems theory. Students will examine key theories from complexity and systems science, across cultures and societies. The wide-ranging body of knowledge covered includes many disciplines, ranging from biology to engineering, ecology, cosmology and quantum mechanics.

Students will develop a broad understanding of complexity and systems science bodies of knowledge, seen as being vital as it facilitates trans-disciplinarity and integration of frameworks, develop very specific understanding of systemic elements. This is vital as it encourages multi-disciplinarity since all socio-economic problems cut across specialist areas and boundaries, requiring rare and needed systemic skills and tool. These skills and tools are purposed to ensure students are empowered to face global and community problems collaboratively.

Course content

Core concepts of system archetypes like simple systems, complex systems, chaotic systemic and complex adaptive systems will be introduced. The behavioural patterns attached to each of the system typologies will also be studied, whilst the application of the knowledge areas are made evident. The outcomes include improving understanding of system types, like organisations and societies, and how best to understand and integrate and apply different system types into viable wholes.


This course is offered by Summer School (EMS). Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

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Applied Complexity Science Course

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Price: R25,000.00