Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 12 hours (approximately)
  • Duration: Self-managed
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

This is the final course in the Fintech Emerging Markets specialization. This course assumes you have completed the first three courses of this specialization. For this capstone project, you will need to prepare a business model canvas and pitch for your startup. This will involve identifying opportunities for a new service, product, or application, assessing the regulatory context and proposing appropriate fintech or non-fintech technologies. The three main parts of the business plan are to (i) the business challenge statement - identifying opportunities for new services and the customers (ii) a business model canvas, which will include a feasibility analysis that includes assessing the regulatory context, and (iii) presenting a video pitch which includes developing a pitch deck.

Course content

  • Module 1: Your Business Challenge
  • Module 2: Your Business Model Canvas
  • Module 3: Creating Your Pitchdeck
  • Module 4: Delivering your Pitch


This course is offered by Coursera. Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information

Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future


Price: R0.00