Core skills course

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: View course provider schedule
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

The core skills course aims to equip judicial officers with relevant knowledge and practical skills to manage courtrooms and cases efficiently and effectively. Participants will explore the role of a judicial officer in a constitutional democracy and engage with their role within the separation of powers. They will also consider the ethics, independence and impartiality required of their role. Participants will also learn skills for crafting and delivering judgments.

View: Course Brochure

Course content

  • Manage courtrooms and cases
  • The role of a judicial officer in a constitutional democracy
  • The separation of powers
  • Ethics, independence and impartiality
  • Crafting and delivering judgments


Register and enrol directly with the course provider.

More information

JIFA Short Courses



No available sessions at this time.