Introduction to Community-Based Inclusive Development (DHRS)

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: View course provider schedule
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

Community based inclusive development (CBID) has become the gold standard approach to ensure that people with disabilities, their families and organisations are amongst the leaders in local development, the course aims to bring together academics and practitioners alike to share, exchange, and deepen our understanding of inclusive community development from various interdisciplinary perspectives.

Course Content

Throughout the course you will engage in many forms of activities including:

  • Engaged discussions
  • Recorded lectures
  • Presentations
  • Blogs
  • Readings


Register and enrol directly with the course provider.

Register Online

More Information

Introduction to Community-Based Inclusive Development (DHRS)


Price: R12,000.00