Leadership Conversations: Building Trust

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: View course provider schedule
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

What do you do when you discover that you have let somebody else down?

Intentional or not, when we don’t do what we are expected to do, we can land up damaging relationships and breaking the trust that others have in us. Learn to create relationships that build confidence and mutual trust, no matter what happens.

The UCT GSB Leadership Conversations – Building Trust, is a one-day course designed for participants to influence, establish and re-enforce trusting relationships in the workplace. Delivered in partnership with the Centre for Coaching, it makes use of key tenets of Integral theory and is part of a series of six Leadership Conversations courses.

Course content

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the underlying elements that make up trust
  • Recognize when conversations and relationships can break down leaving trust damaged
  • Explore the kinds of trust that exist and how this continuum can be built
  • Conduct trust-building conversations effectively


This course is offered by UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB). Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information

Leadership Conversations: Building Trust




Price: R4,025.00