Programme Management: A Monitoring and Evaluation Approach

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 7-10 hours per week
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

Effective management of individual tasks is crucial, but when it comes to achieving high-level objectives through a collection of projects, the role of a programme manager becomes essential. The Programme Management: A Monitoring and Evaluation Approach online short course offered by the University of Cape Town (UCT) provides you with the knowledge and skills to design, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate a programme successfully.

This eight-week course covers the fundamental principles of programme management across four crucial phases: diagnosis, planning and design, monitoring and implementation, and outcomes. You will also learn about the necessary tools and strategies for finance and resource tracking to achieve programme goals.

With the guidance of UCT's experienced faculty, you will gain expertise in stakeholder management and governance, enabling you to deliver programmes of varying sizes and complexities. Upon completion, you will possess the competencies required to lead and manage programmes effectively.

Course content

  • Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
  • Module 1: Diagnosis: Problem analysis
  • Module 2: Design: Building the Theory of Change
  • Module 3: Planning and design: Design tools and M&E framework
  • Module 4: Planning and design: Operational planning
  • Module 5: Implementation: Managing programme teams and basic finances
  • Module 6: Implementation: Implementing adaptive monitoring systems
  • Module 7: Programme outcome: Evaluation and economic efficiency
  • Module 8: Managing stakeholders for programme success


This course is offered by GetSmarter. Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information

Programme Management: A Monitoring and Evaluation Approach


Price: R12,500.00