South African Public Sector Structures, Functions, and Finance

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 10-14 hours per week
  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

In a developing country like South Africa, the government plays a vital role in ensuring the welfare of its citizens. The government is responsible for a wide range of functions and must effectively perform them in the best interests of its people, with transparency and accountability. The public finance system is tasked with managing a country’s resources, ensuring that expenditure is fiscally responsible across all spheres of government. The public financial management structure must be transparent and ethical, as it plays a pivotal role in implementing government plans and programmes. When functioning efficiently, it helps to stabilise the economy, supports service delivery, nurtures economic growth and equality, and instils trust in government entities.

If you're interested in learning about public sector structures, governance, accounting, and finance, the University of Cape Town (UCT) offers an online short course called South African Public Sector Structures, Functions, and Finance. This course is based on the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Sector Accounting offered by UCT and has been broken down into smaller online courses, which can be completed in just 12 weeks. By taking this course, you will gain insight into the government’s purpose, processes, and challenges, explore the fiscal and financial framework that supports government activities, and understand how this framework needs to be implemented.

Course content

  • Orientation module: Welcome to your Online Campus
  • Module 1: The role of government
  • Module 2: Government structures
  • Module 3: The architecture of government in South Africa
  • Module 4: Public and municipal entities
  • Module 5: The public management framework in South Africa
  • Module 6: The public sector financial and fiscal framework
  • Module 7: Financial management in the national and provincial spheres
  • Module 8: Financial management in the local sphere
  • Module 9: Sources of government funding
  • Module 10: Government planning


This course is offered by GetSmarter. Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information

South African Public Sector Structures, Functions, and Finance


Price: R11,900.00