The role of movement in childhood development and health

  • Course Date: On demand
  • Location: Online
  • Time: Self-paced
  • Duration: Self-managed
  • Application Deadline: None

About the course

Are you a health professional or educator witnessing a surge in inactive kids, screen-bound little ones, and sleep-deprived youngsters? The impact on their physical and emotional well-being is undeniable, affecting their ability to thrive in school and beyond. Our dynamic course will arm you with knowledge, insight, and skills to transform their trajectory.

Course content

  • Scientific Illumination: Dive into the latest evidence on movement behaviors—physical activity, screen time, and sleep. Decode the secrets behind fostering healthier habits.
  • Fundamental Movement Skills: Understand the building blocks that propel children toward active lives. Unleash their potential through foundational skills.
  • Referrals and Interventions: Navigate a dedicated module on connecting with health professionals. Learn how to steer kids toward vitality and resilience.
  • Your Impact: Armed with evidence-based wisdom, you'll champion health behaviors for children and adolescents. Your influence will ripple through their lives, shaping a brighter, more vibrant future.


This course is offered by The Sports Science Instritute of South Africa (SSISA). Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information




Price: R1,000.00