Wine Marketing

  • Course Date: View course provider schedule
  • Location: Online
  • Time: View course provider schedule
  • Duration: 4 days
  • Application Deadline: View course provider schedule

About the course

Cultivate a global brand identity and capture the attention of your audience.

This course introduces young industry professionals and those entering the wine industry to a wide range of marketing skills, especially in the African and South African context. Learn how to unlock the value of your product in international markets, improving the global perception of your brand. Explore real-world examples and case studies, and learn how to craft successful and exciting wine marketing campaigns that establish your products and brand in the heart of your audience.

Course content

  • Module 1: Introduction to Wine Marketing
  • Module 2: Tactical Wine Marketing
  • Module 3: Value Chain Management and Wine Business Models
  • Module 4: Strategic Wine Marketing


This course is offered by UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB). Enrol and pay directly with the course provider.

More information

Wine Marketing




Price: R14,950.00