The Protection of Children

  • Course Date: Contact course provider
  • Location: In person
  • Time: Contact course provider
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Application Deadline: Contact course provider

About the course

This 5-day course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the international instruments relating to the protection of children and to promote a better understanding of the general provisions of the Hague Convention and its Protocols, and their application. Participants will be able to recognise the forms of child trafficking and be able to contextualise it in terms of its political, social, cultural, and economic background and understand the nature of the offence and to empathise with and commit to a Human Rights Based and Victim-Centred Approach in proceedings involving children.

Course content

  • Protection of children
  • Provisions of the Hague Convention and its Protocols
  • Forms of child trafficking
  • Human Rights Based and Victim-Centred Approach


Register and enrol directly with the course provider.

More information

JIFA Short Courses



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