Legal compliance in workplace restructuring and retrenchment

  • Course Date: On demand
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 15 hours (6 modules)
  • Duration: Self-managed (12 months maximum)
  • Application Deadline: None

About the course

With the South African working environment looking rather bleak, restructuring and retrenchment are an unfortunate reality for many corporations and institutions.

Most large-scale retrenchment exercises are usually initiated and followed through by labour attorneys to ensure compliance with the Labour Relations Act (LRA). But it is managers and HR specialists in each workplace who have to interact with the employees, issue the Section 189 Notices, negotiate with trade unions, cope with the highly emotional fall-out, and generally administer the entire process.

This course is aimed at those who often carry the burden of the restructuring process to improve their skills and empower themselves. While providing guidance on how to comply with the LRA in the restructuring process, it will primarily encourage an employee-conscious focus. Participants will be prompted to properly assess whether retrenchment is necessary, to assess the impact of the retrenchments on the loyalty of remaining employees, to think clearly about alternatives to retrenchment, to ensure that both outplaced and remaining employees are given the support they require, to make sure that consideration is given to upskilling or reskilling, and to consider the CCMA’s Training Layoff Scheme.

Course outline

  • Module 1: Managerial prerogative & restructuring
  • Module 2: Understanding the legal requirements
  • Module 3: Reasons to retrench retrench
  • Module 4: Alternatives to retrenchment
  • Module 5: The employees’ remedies
  • Module 6: Post-retrenchment process


Available for purchase: 01 September 2024.
Your access to the course will be valid for 12 months after you have paid for your registration, so you have 12 months in which to complete the course.

More information

Legal compliance in workplace restructuring and retrenchment - Self-paced online course

Download course brochure

Price: R4,600.00