Software Law

  • Course Date: On demand
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 4 hours (4 modules)
  • Duration: Self-managed (12 months maximum)
  • Application Deadline: None

About the course

Several areas of law affect the creation and commercialisation of software. This self-paced online course explores those areas of the law that are most applicable, and will attempt to give guidelines on how to deal with common legal issues that arise in relation to software. Starting from intellectual property law, the course then covers various other topics such as open source software, escrow, and the practicalities of common agreements. The course is presented by an attorney who is a former software developer and has specialised in ICT law for some years.

Course content

The course will provide a background in relevant intellectual property law before delving into practical application of the law:

  • Essential intellectual property law
  • Works subject to copyright
  • Copyright ownership of software
  • Independent contractors vs employees
  • Infringement and remedies
  • Adaptations and reverse engineering
  • Open source software
  • Assignment vs licensing
  • Software licensing agreements - important concepts
  • Escrow
  • Support and maintenance
  • Software development agreements - important concepts
  • Exchange control and software - "export" of software


Available for purchase: 01 September 2024.
Your access to the course will be valid for 12 months after you have paid for your registration, so you have 12 months in which to complete the course.

More Information

Software Law

Download course brochure


Price: R2,400.00