Muslim Marriage Contracts

  • Course Date: On demand
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 5 hours (3 modules)
  • Duration: Self-managed (12 months maximum)
  • Application Deadline: None

About the course

In South Africa, religious marriages are in the main not legally recognised. Although the Constitutional Court recently found that the non-recognition of Muslim marriages is unconstitutional, Muslim marriages still need to be regulated by legislation.

Pending legislative regulation of Muslim marriages, it is important for parties to enter into legally enforceable Muslim marriage contracts to regulate their religious marriages.

It is hoped that after completing this course, participants will have acquired sufficient knowledge of Muslim family law and marriage laws in South Africa to enable them to draft a Muslim marriage contract that will afford adequate legal protection for the parties.

Course content

  • Module 1: Introduction to Muslim marriages in South Africa
  • Module 2: Legal aspects of Muslim marriages in South Africa
  • Module 3: Muslim marriage contracts


Available for purchase: 01 September 2024.
Your access to the course will be valid for 12 months after you have paid for your registration, so you have 12 months in which to complete the course.

More information

Muslim Marriage Contracts

Download course brochure


Price: R2,600.00